Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Top Study Tips for Midterms

The Top Study Tips for Midterms Its almost midterm season, and you may be feeling a bit stressed. But dont fretyou can still devise a study plan that maximizes your success. The top study tips for midterms include forming a study group, highlighting your notes, and refusing to cram before the big day (or days). Looking for ways to ace your midterms? Continue reading to learn how you can best utilize your time leading up to midterms. The top study tips for midtermstwo weeks before You know the date of your exam, and your professor has likely mentioned what content will be on the midterm. Great! Regardless of whether you take notes on a computer or with a pen and paper, now is the perfect time to start highlighting. By keeping track of important sections in each chapter or document, youll have easy access to information as you begin studying. Highlight definitions and important terms. When there are sections with difficult content or important topics, highlighting them will help you remember to revisit these concepts during your review periods. Depending on how much content is covered on the exam, now might be a great time to create a study group with others in your class. Even if you miss a lecture, someone in your group will surely have the material covered. You can even ask members of your group to start a study guide or flashcards that each person can contribute to over time. [RELATED: 10 Study Habits to Avoid] The top study tips for midtermsthe week of By now, youve most likely covered a majority of the material that will be on the midterm. While youre still a few days away from the actual exam, its time to start revisiting some of the more difficult topics. You should have highlighted sections of review materials, and you can use these to get started: Reread any textbook chapters about this concept. Review practice problems from your homework. When youre spending hours working on the same subject, make sure to take breaks and to refuel when necessary. Its easy to lose focus and to stop processing study material, and a break can help you return to the material feeling refreshed. Remember, its still not too late to start a study group. Invite others from your class to meet and to discuss any questions the group has. If everyone in your study group is having trouble with a certain concept, its time to visit your professors office hours. Any teaching assistants in the course could also be a useful resource. [RELATED: 5 Reasons Students Should Meet with Professors During Office Hours] The top study tips for midtermsthe day before Dont cram! Studies have shown that this is not an effective way to learn material. If you still feel uncertain about a large portion of the information that will be covered on your midterm, focus on developing an understanding of the main ideas. These will likely appear on the test with more frequency than specific details, and they may help you narrow down some options on multiple-choice questions. Review a few of the big topics, make sure you get some rest, and eat a healthy meal before your midterm. Good luck! [RELATED: How Eating Healthy Can Improve Test Scores] Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at blog@varsitytutors.com.

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